Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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About Us

Throughout the Churches history Christians have summarized in numerous creeds and confessions what scripture teaches about who God is and what God requires of us. Recognizing we are not the first Christians to open the bible and try to make sense of it, we are therefore a confessional church, standing on the shoulders of those who’ve gone before us.

Among the many creeds and confessions of the church, DaySpring looks to The Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism from the 1640s as a reliable and faithful summary of what scripture teaches. More recently we have looked to the New City Catechism as a modern-day resource aimed at helping adults and children alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith.

The authority of the Scriptures, emphasis on God’s grace, the centrality of the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of the Church are some of our vital doctrinal commitments.

DaySpring is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. While we are connected with a large body of sister congregations, on the local level we work to express these essential beliefs in ways that our community can understand and embrace.

Our Leadership Team

Pastor                              Michael Horrigan

Senior Pastor Mike

Assistant Pastor            Terry Pruitt

Assistant Pastor Terry

Ruling Elder                              Kevin Conley

Ruling Elder                              Terry Goodell

Ruling Elder                              Michael Pollack

Deacon                                       Kyle Greenwell

Deaconess                                 Kathleen Horrigan


Presbyterian Church in America

By Faith Online

New City Catechism


Hillsong Music
Indelible Grace
Sovereign Grace

Our Core Values

Authentic Community:

In a world of disconnection, DaySpring seeks to be a place of unusual devotion to one another.

Missional Living:

In a world of self-absorption, DaySpring seeks to bless our community and our world with deeds of compassion, mercy and grace.

Gospel Transformation:

In a world of brokenness, DaySpring seeks to be a place where hearts and homes are transformed and healed by the love of God.